Inwardly Thinking

I just had my son on Wednesday, September 21st.  His arrival has changed everything.  My hopes and dreams, my career and plans, have changed.  And actually for the better. I still reserve a little pessimism about our having this great life together as a family because that’s just the way I am.  I know lifeContinue reading “Inwardly Thinking”

Episode 04 – The Birth of Elijah Danner

On this episode of Thinking It Through with Jerome Danner, I talk about the birth of my son.  It was quite a night on September 21st, and this has been quite a week.  However, when I look at my son, I am all the more grateful that God blessed me and my wife with aContinue reading “Episode 04 – The Birth of Elijah Danner”

Perplexed by My Son’s Life

Soon, in a matter of days or weeks, my son will make his entrance into the world.  9 months – he is growing and being shaped and formed.  1 day – he is here.  He will be in front of me, God-willing, and there is no turning back (since I hope to be an activeContinue reading “Perplexed by My Son’s Life”

Poem to Tupac (2Pac)

via Daily Prompt: Radical Your calling as an artist and poet Your words left quite an indelible mark Images of you struck me in a wonderful way Quickening in me a radical change   The changes in me captivated by your influence An influence that I could never easily explain Words from a man rearedContinue reading “Poem to Tupac (2Pac)”

Fierce or Sensitive? (More of Question Than An Actual Blog Post) If one were to be fierce, then would that really be a good thing? I guess it is possible to be fierce when it comes to giving certain performances, such as ones given in sports and sometimes in musical performances.  Otherwise, being fierce is not important to me because I believe in being sensitiveContinue reading “Fierce or Sensitive? (More of Question Than An Actual Blog Post)”

Daily Prompt: Carry

via Daily Prompt: Carry Your love I carry with me everywhere that I go.  I carry it as a reminder of your warming glow.  It causes me to stand up straighter, taking pride in who I am only because I am connected to you for my life’s journey. Your beauty I carry in my heartContinue reading “Daily Prompt: Carry”

My Wife, My Muse I just looked up the definition for muse and it said that a muse is a “a woman, or a force personified as a woman, who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist.”  The thought struck me that although I am not a true artist, my wife is my muse.  She inspires meContinue reading “My Wife, My Muse”

What an Apology Does! Have you ever thought about what an apology does?  What it does and what it says?  Think about it.  For the person saying the apology with a genuine heart, it says that this comes from a person who is willing to admit their wrong.  For the person that receives the apology, it says thatContinue reading “What an Apology Does!”

How Unstoppable Love Is…. How unstoppable love is as a force.  Unstoppable as a force for good, unstoppable as a force for change, love, rightly used, seems to stir and motivate the heart in ways that the mind would deem inconceivable. Eight years ago, my mind deemed it odd and impossible for a woman to change it [mind]Continue reading “How Unstoppable Love Is….”

Choices, Consequences, Cares, and Peace

How nice it would be to live in a world where I could be completely carefree!  It really is a nice sentiment.  But it is not realistic. Life is made up of situations where you have to make decisions that have many consequences to them.  And when you begin a family, then the results fromContinue reading “Choices, Consequences, Cares, and Peace”