3 Things that Orthodox Christians Can Do to Help Catechumens

Dear Orthodox Family: Please remember that the catechumens need you for more than just prayers. Now, prayers are wonderful, and should never be dismissed. They are very much one of the vital aspects of the bedrock in a thriving Christian existence. Nevertheless, an active involvement in fellowshipping with any catechumen is just as much aContinue reading “3 Things that Orthodox Christians Can Do to Help Catechumens”

The Difficulty with Becoming an #Orthodox #Christian

(Photo from https://tinybuddha.com/blog/when-we-hold-onto-relationships-that-hurt-us/) In the past year, my interest in the Orthodox Christian Church turned from an interest to an outright love.  Although I am just a catechumen with much more to learn and understand, it has been a blessing to me to participate in and attend the Divine Liturgies.  It has been a call toContinue reading “The Difficulty with Becoming an #Orthodox #Christian”

Episode 29 – Steven Christoforou (@scchristoforou) – @Y2AM_official (of @goarch) – Talking #Orthodox #Christianity

Next on Thinking It Through:  My next guest is Steven Christoforou, the Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.  I have been interested in the Orthodox Christian faith for a few years, so I invited Mr. Christoforou on to speak with me about Orthodoxy. Steven Christoforou’s Twitter PageContinue reading “Episode 29 – Steven Christoforou (@scchristoforou) – @Y2AM_official (of @goarch) – Talking #Orthodox #Christianity”