Antifa “Activists” are About Violence, Not Self-Defense (from September 18, 2017 – for The Daily Nerv)

Inauguration Protest Marchers By Mobilus In Mobili (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (, via Wikimedia Commons There are times when protesting is very necessary. Perhaps when something that is morally wrong has taken place and is supported by many or seems to have a growing number of supporters; it should be met with some formContinue reading “Antifa “Activists” are About Violence, Not Self-Defense (from September 18, 2017 – for The Daily Nerv)”

Thinking It Through Snippet #2 – Rep. John Conyers News

Next on Thinking It Through: I touch on issues with sexual assault allegations with Rep. John Conyers and Senate Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s response to it. (Thinking It Through with Jerome Danner will now have videos as another part of the podcast.  The “Thinking It Through Snippet” will be more condensed than most of theContinue reading “Thinking It Through Snippet #2 – Rep. John Conyers News”